We seek to provide an exciting and creative curriculum, where excellence and enjoyment are the result of quality teaching and learning. The curriculum encompasses all requirements of the National Curriculum and provides a wider context to include religious and moral education, physical, social and health education and responsible citizenship.
“The curriculum is effectively planned to meet the needs of all learners.”
We use a cross curricular and creative approach to teaching and learning which links subjects and provides an international dimension necessary for children who are growing up in a global world.
The curriculum at Sacred Heart is designed to:
- teach children to be numerate, literate and independent learners.
- show children that learning is purposeful and pleasurable.
- encourage the children to be self-disciplined, courteous and co-operative.
- make each child self-confident and emotionally secure through achievement.
The education we provide at Sacred Heart encompasses far more than just the work done in the classroom – we aim to provide a real breadth of experience for our children. The children enjoy a wide range of visits during each year which complement work being done in school. Trips away from school provide them with exciting learning opportunities and adventures with their friends and classmates. Every class visits Nell Bank Centre in Ilkley to take part in specialist Outdoor Learning experiences.
Visits to School
Poets, writers, musicians, actors and artists are regular visitors to the school, providing workshops for children to develop their creative abilities through a range of activities.
“Pupils thoroughly enjoy school; this is reflected in their well above average attendance. They concentrate hard in lessons, responding very well indeed when tackling work which tests their capabilities. They have a good understanding of their own learning and know what they need to do to improve. Their behaviour is exemplary, and they are very considerate towards each other. Pupils play energetically and safely, and move sensibly around the school site. They have an excellent grasp of how to lead a healthy lifestyle and how to keep fit. These qualities are very strongly promoted through a good, rich curriculum and excellent systems of care, guidance and support.”
Curriculum Key Skills
The following skills have been deemed ‘key skills’ in the revised National Curriculum:
- communication
- application of number
- information technology
- working with others
- improving own learning and performance
- problem-solving
Our school believes that all children need to make good progress in these skill areas in order to develop to their true potential.
The Curriculum is made up of Religious Education plus the National Curriculum of three core subjects: English, Maths and Science, and eight foundation subjects: Computing, History, Geography, Design Technology, Languages (French), Music, Art and Design and Physical Education.
For further details regarding each subject area, please click on the links below:
We believe in offering a broad, balanced curriculum, which gives time for each subject area – delivered in a variety of different ways, respecting the three different learning styles. Class, group and individual teaching/learning situations are all used according to the children’s needs. For any queries relating to curriculum, please contact Mrs Amanda Rhodes, Headteacher, on 01943 609578.