
The Friends of Sacred Heart is the parents-teachers-association (PTA) for Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School.

Our aim is to create a supportive community for the school and raise funds through a variety of activities to enrich the childrens learning, wellbeing and play environment.

The Friends primarily achieve this by raising funds for the school to purchase resources that enhance the childrens school experience. Just as important are the events which bring the whole school community together such as our annual school camping event, local walks, and our very popular Christmas fair.

The Friends of Sacred Heart is an unincorporated charitable association.

Community and Involvement

All parents/carers of any pupil attending Sacred Heart School, as well as all teaching and non-teaching staff currently employed by the school are part of this community by default. You can get involved with the Friends by attending our meetings, volunteering to organise or help at our organised events. This is a great way to meet other members of the school community.


All within the school community are welcome to our committee meetings which are held once per term (6 per year). Other informal meetings are held as required to organise events. We will always aim to have both daytime and evening meetings to accommodate the availability of our various parents. If you have missed a meeting but would like to find out about what went on please email us.

There is an Annual General Meeting each autumn term which is open to all. We really like taking on new organising committee members that keep the group vibrant and bring new ideas for school events and fundraising. When new members join it enables the committee to transition more seamlessly from year to year.

The Friends of Sacred Heart is currently administered by a committee of six parents which include a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer. Not everyone on the committee needs to take on one of these formal roles, and the roles can be a shared responsibility. Even those who can only dedicate small amounts of time are still a very welcome addition to the committee.

We would love more people to join us. There is no pressure to take on any role, just come along, have a drink and a chat, and share your ideas at our meetings. You don’t have to commit to anything, and everyone helps as much or as little as they can to get events off the ground. If you are interested in coming along, helping in any other way or have any questions please email us at friendsofsacredheart@sacredheart.bradford.sch.uk.


Arrange a Visit

Come and see the children in the daily class environment

Open Days

Enjoy a school tour by one Of the children


Come and see us at an informative event

News & events

Read our latest newsletter

19 July 2024

Little Hearts Playgroup

28 September 2023

Carnival 2023 Winners!

9 May 2023