Our vision is to create a spiritual and educational centre of excellence which nurtures the growth and development of every child.

Our mission statement is:

‘Jesus said, “ I chose you, and appointed you to go and bear much fruit” ‘.

This ethos is lived out on a daily basis through the interactions between staff, children and visitors; the focus on developing the ‘whole child’ that permeates our curriculum; the high standard of academic work that is produced across the school and the well-established links that exist with the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust schools, the local community, the Wharfedale Schools, the Diocese and organisations such as CAFOD.

Parents/Carers are strongly encouraged to be involved with the school in a variety of ways e.g. attendance at whole school Assemblies, Liturgies and Masses, attendance at Information Evenings, as members of the Academy Council, as volunteers helping within school, as fund raisers in ‘Friends of Sacred Heart’, as members of the ‘Carnival Committee’.

We have a very effective ‘Open Door’ policy which ensures that everyone associated with the school is able to discuss school-related matters with staff, at mutually agreed times, when issues arise. 

“All pupils are active participants in the Catholic Life of the school. They have a full understanding of the school’s motto, Deo Maximo Optimo, the mission statement and the values that underpin all of the school’s functioning. They contribute significantly to the application of the mission in their daily lives.

They show a sincere respect for themselves and their peers, and for the environment of the school. Their behaviour of almost all pupils is excellent. They show an ability to focus, reflect, listen and consider matters religious, spiritual and moral. They are able to forgive and be forgiven. They enjoy and celebrate the success of others.”


Religious Education

This is a Catholic school which seeks to live out the values of Jesus Christ. All children of any denomination or none are welcome to join our school.

We promote these values by our words and deeds, and Catholic doctrine and practice therefore permeates every aspect of the school’s activity.

We provide a Catholic curriculum, which is broad and balanced, recognising that every pupil is unique and is created in the image of God (Gen 1: 27). 

Our curriculum is designed to enable every pupil to discern their vocation and to be well-equipped to follow it as active citizens in service to the world.

Catholic Religious Education is the “core of the core curriculum” (Pope St John Paul II – 26.3 92) and the foundation of the entire educational process.

We follow ‘The Way, The Truth The Life’ scheme of work from EYFS to Y6 and use many other resources and stimuli linked to our lives today,  to engage and inspire the children’s learning in RE.

Catholic Character Education

Catholic character education promotes a shared vision of life based on Christ centred virtues that seeks the flourishing of pupils, young people and all members of the school community. This shared vision, embodied in the ethos of the school from which all educational activities proceed, calls pupils, young people and all members of the school community to grow in positive personal strengths called virtues. These virtues are broad and balanced and include the theological, moral, civic, intellectual, and performance based virtues.

Character education and the formation of all aspects of the human person through the pursuit of the virtues not only enhances the education of the individual and respects their dignity, it promotes the common good and the flourishing of human society in the world. Much of the report’s vision for ‘growing in the virtues’ is already incorporated into and spearheading my vision for the education and formation of our children and young people for vocation and leadership in the schools and parishes of the Diocese of Leeds. I encourage all Catholic leaders and staff to reflect on the research and the recommendations of this report and to discern how the Church’s vision for education in the virtues can, in collaboration with families and parishes, be embodied within the context and life of each Catholic school.” (Rt. Rev.d Marcus Stock, Bishop of Leeds, Foreword, Catholic Character Education, 2018)


Other faiths and beliefs

At Sacred Heart we learn about all the major religions of the world. We teach our children to respect all beliefs, our curriculum explores the differences and celebrates the similarities between Catholicism and other religions. We encourage healthy debate and encourage children to ask questions about their own faith and the faith of others.

Assemblies and class work promote the diversity of society and the right for each person to be respected and valued equally regardless of ability, gender, faith, heritage or race.

Children acquire an understanding of and respect for their own and other cultures and ways of life through the teaching of R.E., Geography and History. Festivals and celebrations of other faiths are recognised and celebrated within our school. We raise money for those in need locally and internationally.


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News & events

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19 July 2024

Little Hearts Playgroup

28 September 2023

Carnival 2023 Winners!

9 May 2023